For months there's been a restlessness inside of me to do more, to be more, to sacrifice more... And then , with something as simple as an awards ceremony, I found some clarity. What started as a wish that my hair was as "pretty" as the celebrities from the Oscars, turned into a confession of guilt to the Facebook world in the following post:
seeing pictures today from the Oscars , I immediately thought that I
wanted to get my hair colored....Like professionally, with highlights
and deep conditioning... Because we all
want to look like Jennifer what's-her-name from the Hunger games, or
Angelina Jolie, right? And then I thought how I really need to get my
nails fixed because it's been two weeks and they need fills. But then, I
looked and saw the picture of this little 2 year old boy we just
started sponsoring named Jose. And I thought to myself, when did it
become ok for me to spend hundreds of dollars to "beautify" myself -
temporarily I might add - when there are REAL kids starving around the
world. REAL kids are dying because they have no clean water. And us
women in America turn our cheeks and dye our hair and buy expensive
make-up and get our nails done and get massages and go to spas. When did
that become ok??? It makes me sick to my stomach at myself. So... I'm
thinking (in the wee hours of the night, which is usually never good) to
start something. What if we got
all the women we could to sacrifice their "made up" beauty and embrace
their less expensive, natural beauty in order to help kids who don't
even have food to eat or water to drink. Wouldn't that be great?? Anyone
willing to do do this with me? I can start with about $150 which is
what I would have spent (easily) on nails and highlights... How about
I went to bed that night thinking people would think I was crazy, or think I'm always asking for something! But I kept telling myself, I'm in it for the audience of One - and that is my God, who loves the poor and is close to the broken-hearted. And with that thought, I was able to sleep....
Wouldn't you know, by daytime, so many of my generous, giving friends, responded and actually said YES! Yes, I can do without that make-up, or that Starbucks coffee, or that massage, or that salon-professional hair to help those in need. Yes, it really is that easy. Yes, the sacrifice may seem small, but God can make it mighty!
He is that good! No matter how small or how insignificant we think our resources are, God can always multiply them when our hearts are in the right place.
So....With one little thought, and the help of some great friends, the idea for this fundraiser began. Are you willing to go Un-pampered - On purpose? To sacrifice those "extras" in your life which enhance your comfort or your beauty, in order to give life to someone in desperate need? If so, will you join forces with me? Will you share this with every woman you know?
I am envisioning beautiful women, posting pictures all over the world, with the hashtag #unpamperedonpurpose -- wouldn't that be so cool??? And that purpose of course is to fulfill the call of being the hands and feet of Jesus here on Earth. Finding a need and choosing to meet it. In any way possible. Isn't that what true love is all about?
I'm excited to partner with an organization called With This Ring. This organization began just like ours, with one woman who decided her most prized possession - her wedding ring- could actually save lives. The money that they raise now goes to some of the poorest villages in the world, where disease and death are far too common simply due to a lack of clean water. Your small sacrifice can help build a functioning water well for people who so desperately need it. I hope you are able to visit this amazing website to learn more about where your donations will be going and the beautiful vision behind it all.
With that all sweet friends.... will you go un-pampered, on purpose with me??
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